Aethersx2 God of War 2 Save Data

God of War 2 Aethersx2 Save Data

The original God of War back in 2005 when the first game was released. We gave it a number of our awards that year, including our overall Game of the Year pick for a very good reason, as it's still one of the best action games ever released. The follow up God of War Two actually surpasses the original in basically every single way across the board. Santa Monica Studios actually managed to one up them.Jobs and create a better game all around. Every area has been improved. Although being at the first game was so good and pushed the PlayStation Two to its limits already. Most of the improvements are minor and more evolutionary steps rather than revolutionary steps.Historian God of War 2 picks up where the first game left off, with Kratos sitting atop the throne for the God of War. The story in the second game is deeper. It's longer. It's more complicated than the first time around. There's a lot of character development here, where things aren't necessarily right and wrong or black and white, but it's more about perspective. 

How to put in the save game file on your android Device:

1- Put in the save game file on your android phone:

2- Extract the file

3 -Then select the file mcd001. ps2, and copy

4- Open the file manager, open the folder location/Android/Data/ /memory card folder and paste the mcd001.ps2.

Include Features:

Complete The story mode game

All Weapons

All Magic Powers

All Costumes

Max Red Orbs

Infinite Magic

All treasures Unlock

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God Of War 2

Console         : Playstation2 (PS2)
Publisher : Sony
Genre : Action-Adventure, Hack & Slash
Released : 2007-03-13
Region          : USA

About This Game:

About perspective from Kratos view, perspective from the gods.New perspective from some other characters are not gonna spoil. So it's not so much as you know this guy's right and this guy's wrong and you're gonna get revenge because it's been done wrong. It's about who really wants power, who's being greedy and what is actually for the betterment of the world for Olympus etcetera etcetera. And it's a really cool setup that we think actually is maybe it's the.Had better than the first game but it's certainly up there and it's a great tale. So the combat system in God of War 2 is identical to the first game and for good reason is that was basically perfect practice is a few new moves here and there and basically sort of replacing the last ones or or tweaking them a bit but in large part it's exactly the same.

So if you're used to the controls in the first game, you can jump right in right from the start and start killing everybody. There are some pretty cool new grab kills where you can rip guys in half or grab some guy's weapon and chop the bits with it, or spin them around and stab with his own sword, which is pretty sweet. But in large part the combat is exactly the same as before and that's really a great thing because I don't.I can't see how you got any better anyway. So yeah, there's nothing new here. But again, it was already perfect. 

Aethersx2 God of war 2 Combat:

While the game's combat is largely the same as last time around, there are a couple of new things. You have new magic attacks, you have new weapons, and you now have the ability to grapple onto things and swing across caverns, which is pretty cool. It's very Indiana Jones.You know, it's especially one scene in the game. It's very, very cinematic and works with that really well. As far as Magic is concerned, you have a couple returning favorites like Poseidon Rage and Something to do with Medusa Stare, but you get a couple of new ones and all of them are very cool and very useful. 

Aethersx2 God of war 2 Weapons & Magic:

As was the case of the last time around. It's sort of more important, especially at the beginning of the game.Use your red orbs to power up your blades of Chaos, or the tennis blades in this case, but all the magic is really cool this time around. They're also a handful of new weapons which I don't want to get into specifics about, so I don't want to ruin them. But they're all really cool and the game does a really good job of letting you switch between them on the fly in the middle of combos and and and using them well.And all the new weapons have good purposes. They're not sort of throwaways like you might have seen before. One of the things that made the first God of War so good and so memorable was the epic scale of the whole game. Set pieces were massive, and the same thing is true for God of War 2, except it's been turned up a notch. You'll just see the environments that are absolutely huge. You'll see them way off.Distance and eventually we'll go there. There's almost nothing that you see in the game people eventually get to, and there's also a lot more variety in the environments. 

Aethersx2 God of war 2 Areas & Place:

Although most of the game takes place on an island and you might think that, oh, we're going to see the same thing for most of the game. There's actually a lot more variety here than there was last time out. So we'll see a lot of buildings that are still made out of stone and marble or, you know, metal.Fire like last time. You also gonna find underground caverns, lots of wooded areas to show off the foliage system that's in the engine, snowy mountains with, you know, flakes pouring down, lots of things like that. 

And what's also very good is that each of the areas are more condensed so you're in and out quicker. It helps keep the pace of the game up so you never really get bored of any one area.One of the things that everybody wanted to see more of from the first game where boss powers, there was really only I think three big battles in the first game, but they're all fantastic. And God of War 2, there's more than double that.Only about three or four of those are actually the same sort of scale, like the opening colossus value you get into a couple later in the game, whereas a lot of them are actually smaller, one-on-one battles with morals or characters that are your size. So they might not be as epic or as classic or as memorable as some of the battles in the first game, but these battles actually help tie in the story.I don't really wanna ruin anything, but you'll be characters that are more important to the story and not just sort of, you know, demons that come from nowhere. And even though these are smaller scale battles, they're kind of better in some ways because you're actually using combat techniques rather than figuring out a trick to beat it and using button combinations. 

Aethersx2 God of war 2 Cinematic:

And there's also some of these are very cinematic.Where the percentage. So basically, when it comes down to it, God of War 2 is a bigger, better experience than we saw the first time out, if that's to be believed. The game pushes the system further, tells a better story. Kratos is both more vulnerable and more powerful in this game. The enemies that you fight are more varied, you fight more boss battles here.Some never even better. In the first game. Environments are bigger, there's more variety in there, some of them play, mechanics have been honed and the combat system is back in and at least as good as ever. Basically, it's an evolutionary step. 

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