God Hand Cheat codes Download

God Hand cheat Codes

About This Game:

God Hand can be played very comfortably on your own computer and it works great. The simple gist of the game. You play as Jean, a guy with a fancy jacket and an insane. For fresh fruit, you're also disabled. The right arm has just been cut off by demons. Got a new arm now instead of the God hand thanks to Olivia, a girl who friends to chop it back off if you don't do what she says. And now it's time to beat the enemy out of all the thugs and demons. Disarming you, but you'll need to master for God hand to stand. Chance. Because this game doesn't play around It's hard. It's very hard. And it only gets even harder in this universe. 

The vast majority of punks, metalheads, and women want nothing more than to beat the enemy out of you. Instead, the fighting system is easy to learn, but insanely difficult to master. For a start, Gene operates on Tank. Might seem bizarre, but makes perfect sense once you understand the purpose of it. The left stick turns and moves you around. The right stick is designed exclusively for dodging. The other buttons let you use your. Pretty simple, right? Wrong. Each of your buttons can be Insta. Mapped to do different moves and techniques. 

There's a lot of techniques, there's 117 of them you can pick up. Or buy from your local convenience store. If you choose poorly, you won't even be able to dispatch normal enemies, let alone bosses. But that's not all. There's a bar at the bottom of your screen. That's your tension meter. The more hits you land, the more damage you do. The more damage you do, the quicker the tension meter gets filled up once it fills up your right. And if you smack the right button on your controller you unless God hand. 

God Hand cheat Codes PS2

The following are some patch codes for the video game

"God Hand" for PlayStation 2:

God Hand CodeBreaker Code

Infinite Life
Max Gold
Max Lv 1/2/3/4
Have Max HP
Have Max TP
Have Max Orbs
Infinite Roulette Orbs
Have All Roulette
Double God Hand - Original Costume
Olivia Costume - Bunny Girl


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